Ironically, I started this blog almost a year ago and never finished it thinking my voice on this topic was not valid since I was not a trained researcher. The title says it all and ironically more important now than ever during this COVID-19 pandemic. (I am not a health provider and will only direct you to information I found fascinating while giving you my own personal perspective.)
Just a few days ago, the New York Post ran an article on researchers discovering the possible correlation between vitamin D deficiency and COVID deaths. 5/1/20 “We believe that we can advise vitamin D supplementation to protect against SARS-CoV2 infection,” the researchers wrote."Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that promotes healthy bones and supports immune system function. Your body produces vitamin D naturally when it’s directly exposed to sunlight, but it can also be obtained from eating foods such as fatty fish, egg yolks, mushrooms and cheese."
The US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health writes, "Vitamin D appears to influence susceptibility to and severity of infection via multiple mechanisms. It has direct influence on production of the antimicrobial peptide cathelicidin, which may lead to increased susceptibility to viruses and bacteria, and it influences cytokine profiles during infection via the innate and adaptive immune system, as well as via the NFκB pathway. Therefore, vitamin D deficiency may lead to a pro-inflammatory phenotype, which may augment disease severity. More research is needed to further define the role that vitamin D may have in modulating these and other key pathways during infection."
According to Life Extension Magazine, "It’s becoming evident that higher doses of vitamin D are required to support its other activities in tissues such as heart muscle, brain cells, and fat tissue, to name just a few. Additionally, vitamin D regulates genes that control cell growth and development, immune function, and metabolic control. Virtually every tissue type in your body has receptors for vitamin D, meaning that they all require vitamin D for adequate functioning. The very presence of specific receptors define vitamin D as a hormone, rather than a vitamin. It interacts with receptors throughout the body and has a number of different effects."

Now wouldn't it be ironic if people really need to be out in the sunshine getting Vitamin D at the very time that we are supposed to be sheltering-in-place? If low vitamin D makes us more susceptible to viruses and cancer, then we should be allowed to be outdoors. Beach goers are starting to show up in defiance of some governmental regulations, and getting into trouble. But, perhaps what is really needed is a well structured, public outdoor vitamin D time. Some people are lucky enough to have a private yard and could go outside, but alot of people don't have a private space to social distance properly or they live in an area that has less sunny days than others. While there may not be enough Corona virus testing widely available, the good old vitamin D blood test is still around and I highly recommend it. Awareness is empowering. This could be a simple way to boost your immunity and I wish more of the countries experts would suggest it.
My personal genetic study has shown that I have DNA SNP's that reduce my ability to absorb and process Vitamin D. This saliva DNA test result, along with yearly blood test results, explained a lot of my lifelong symptoms and annual winter blues. According to Dr Ben Lynch, author of Dirty Genes, that doesn't mean that I have a defect, it just means that I have to purposely help support my body's absorption. I can indeed learn how to clean those mechanisms that have a tendency to get gunked-up or dirty and not perform as well as they should. Knowledge is key here, not to just curl up and say "oh well" I guess I was born with that. Awareness is empowering. I can now feel very subtle changes in my body when my vitamin D is low. I don't necessarily need a blood test to know that I need to supplement. However, every body is different so please consult your own practitioner for advice on dosages. Blood test levels that show numbers that are too high can be toxic and levels that are low enough to flag your lab results as "abnormal" are actually much lower than they should ever be according to a naturopathic approach. Vitamin K is also needed for your body to absorb the vitamin D, but in much smaller doses.
Here are a few vitamin D deficiency symptoms to watch out for and discuss with your doctor:
Frequent Illness or Infections
Fatigue and Tiredness
Bone and Back Pain
Impaired Wound Healing
Hair Loss
Muscle Pain
Always check with your healthcare provider to find out more about vitamin supplementation and genetic testing. There are even some home test kits, see what your doctor recommends.

Tami is an optimistic, nurturing soul, full of great maternal compassion. Being a mother has been her hardest and most rewarding job since her unique and sensitive children have been her greatest inspiration and teachers. She is currently writing a series of children’s books for the misunderstood sensitive souls that have come here to change the world, The Sunshine Books. Follow this blog for more of her heartfelt ponderings about life and her love for children and animals.
Disclaimer: I am not a healthcare professional and cannot advise on supplement dosages.
{Copyright 2019 - 2024 - Photos are the property of Tamara S. Graham unless noted otherwise. Snapchat filter added glamour mask}